Children and families are always welcome at Good Shepherd and are an important part of our faith community. While Sunday school and other life-long learning opportunities are important for the life of faith, Worship is the School of the Church. In worship, the gathered community hears God’s Word read and preached. We celebrate the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion; we sing praises to God. A children’s sermon is planned each week.
The sound of children in church is the sound of God’s people in worship. Helping children grow into “worship behavior” takes time, just as learning to sit and to wait for your turn to talk in preschool or Kindergarten takes time. Lutherans stand up and sit down several times during each service; this gives children opportunity to move. Children learn in worship by imitating the behavior of others.
Helpful hints: Children want to see what’s going on, so sit toward the front where they can see better. Let your child color, use their Children’s bulletin, look at and read books, or play with a quiet toy. Children observe and absorb more than we sometimes know when we think they’re not paying attention.