ELCA Good Gifts https://goodgifts.elca.org
ELCA Good Gifts is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, providing critical support to ministries and programs throughout the world. Gifts provide communities with needed support for income and resources, health care, schooling, clean water, and more. Good Shepherd shares with ELCA Good Gifts through a gathering of resources during the Spring/Lent.
Boca Helping Handshttp://www.bocahelpinghands.org
Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is a community-based nonprofit that provides food, medical and financial assistance to meet basic human needs as well as education, job training and guidance to create self-sufficiency. Good Shepherd gathers and shares food and other items on a regular basis.
Lippman Youth Shelter is a ministry of Lutheran Services Florida, located in neighboring Broward County. Lippman Youth Center is a Basic Center Program, providing short-term crisis and residential treatment for youth 10-17 years old. Good Shepherd participates in providing funds for Christmas Gifts and needs at other times.
Seafarers’ House www.seafarershouse.org https://seafarershouse.org/contact-us/
Seafarers’ House Mission is a welcoming place for seafarers and port workers as the gateway to a more, healthy, peaceful and spiritual maritime community. Each year, Good Shepherd members donate money and items and put together kits filled with toiletries and sundry items for seafarers who visit Port Everglades during the holidays.