Looking for a Church Home? There's a Place at Good Shepherd for You!
There are lots of reasons people look for a church home. Sometimes it is because of a move, a life event, or other transition. It could be that you keep hearing that still, small voice of God in your heart or have a nagging feeling that maybe there's more to life than what you are currently experiencing. Maybe you want to find a community and friends.
Maybe yours is a new or growing family. You (or your kids) might have big questions about God and are looking for answers. Whatever your reason, we're glad that you are looking for a church home and we're especially glad you are looking at Good Shepherd!
Now is a great time to come and see and make connections. Like many other churches, Good Shepherd is a faith community working to worship, learn, and grow in faith together in this place, as we continue in this lingering pandemic time and long to emerge from it. But like the butterfly and moth, when we emerge from this time, we will not be the same as we were before. We cannot be. Too much has happened in over two years.